The Easiest Way to Find a New Job

The Easiest Way to Find a New Job

As a recruitment consultant, part of my responsibility is to help people find a new job by discussing new opportunities with them. Although this may be the first time that I speak to them, often they’ve been looking for a while. They are finding the whole process...

Nursing Careers: Does the NHS still rule?

Nursing Careers: Does the NHS still rule?

The private sector is becoming more popular Historically, the majority of Nurses in the UK have commenced and completed their careers within the NHS, without ever working in the private sector. These days, however, this is starting to change and loyal NHS employees...

Appoint Group Does Sport Relief

Appoint Group Does Sport Relief

Any excuse for a bake sale Appoint Group loves our fair share of treats and cakes. Therefore, we decided the best way to raise money would be to have a bake sale in our building, followed by a mile-long charity Fun Run. After much deliberation, we each chose our...

Simon Berry

As our Founder and M.D. of Appoint Healthcare, Simon is responsible for the overall strategy and direction of the business. Prior to starting Appoint Healthcare, Simon had a long and successful career in healthcare and engineering recruitment, backed by a degree in Business Management. In his spare time he can be found yacht racing, skiing, motorbiking, and generally living it up with his wife and daughter.