The Easiest Way to Find a New Job

by | January 4,2019

Nurse in a care home

As a recruitment consultant, part of my responsibility is to help people find a new job by discussing new opportunities with them.

Although this may be the first time that I speak to them, often they’ve been looking for a while. They are finding the whole process frustrating, time-consuming, and ultimately have been unsuccessful. This is understandable. Looking for a new career move, more importantly the right move, can be very frustrating.

There are many pitfalls that mean things may not run smoothly, will take too much time and can lead to people giving up or assuming the right job for them isn’t out there.

Here are 6 simple things to remember to find that job and make sure it’s the right one for you!

  1. Your CV

Getting your CV updated and in order should be the first step. CVs should be accurate, concise, and easy to follow. There’s no point getting your name out there, applying or job-hunting without having this ready.

  1. Social Media

Get your LinkedIn page up to date and looking professional. Recruitment agencies and companies regularly use social media to find the best candidates. Therefore, this will give you a great chance of people approaching you early on.

  1. Job Boards/Job sites

Posting your CV on job boards not only allows companies and recruitment consultants to find you, it allows you to describe exactly what you want.

Job boards will give you the ability to filter your preferences. Listing what industry, hours, salary, traveling distance etc. will result in being contacted by someone who already knows the basics of what you want. Additionally, they may have already found you the role of your dreams!

Once you have posted your CV, you can be proactive and use these filters to search for vacancies as well. Being as specific as possible will lead you to the right job.

  1. Use a Recruitment Agency

Recruitment agencies will do a lot of the leg work for you and are free to use. They will not only help you get prepared and help you secure the role. They will also be there to support you every step of the way.

A good recruitment agency will proactively get your profile seen by the right people and save you a lot of time and energy.

Going through an agency can strengthen your ability to find the right position, giving you a broader view of the opportunities out there and giving you options.

They will also enhance your job-hunting experience, improving your chances of success by helping you to prepare your CV and offer support on your interview skills.

  1. Interview Stage

If you have been offered an interview, congratulations!  This is your time to shine.

There may be something that affects your ability to attend your interview. If you have changed your mind, have an emergency, or upon doing some research have concerns, you should voice these as soon as possible.  Chances are they can be overcome, or you will be able to reschedule or find something else more suitable.

Preparation for your interview is key and is continued in section 6 below:

  1. Be prepared

When an interview is arranged you should research the company, the job specifications, and brush up on those interview techniques.  You may still be nervous, but preparation is key!

A job advert or specification won’t convey how the work and your life would fit together. Ask questions that will give you all the information needed to make an informed decision if you are offered the role. If you have concerns or worries, mention them, but be respectful and professional.

Remember, this is not just them interviewing you. This is potentially your future career and you need to know if they are right for you, so interview them as well. It’s better to find out now than in three months’ time after you have started.

Following these simple steps will help you find that dream job. Being proactive, prepared, and professional are the main factors that will help you not only be successful but make the whole process easier.

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Simon Berry
As our Founder and M.D. of Appoint Healthcare, Simon is responsible for the overall strategy and direction of the business. Prior to starting Appoint Healthcare, Simon had a long and successful career in healthcare and engineering recruitment, backed by a degree in Business Management. In his spare time he can be found yacht racing, skiing, motorbiking, and generally living it up with his wife and daughter.

Simon Berry

Founder and M.D.

As our Founder and M.D. of Appoint Healthcare, Simon is responsible for the overall strategy and direction of the business. Prior to starting Appoint Healthcare, Simon had a long and successful career in healthcare and engineering recruitment, backed by a degree in Business Management. In his spare time he can be found yacht racing, skiing, motorbiking, and generally living it up with his wife and daughter.