Twelve to be exact. It may seem like a lot, but not to us.


our values

The 12 values that underpin our company culture are as follows:

1. Consultation

I aim to work in consultation and partnership with my clients and my candidates. My aim is to fully understand their frustrations just as well as their visions for their future, so I am best equipped to help them move forward. I will be committed to my clients and candidates, genuinely caring about their successes, and expect that they have the same level of respect for myself in return.

2. Life and Work

I understand that my work life and my personal life have the power to strengthen each other. I have a balanced approach to life, remembering that my social, physical and family life is just as important as my financial and intellectual life. I aim to complete my work to a high standard so that I may enjoy my time to myself, with my family and also to rest and recharge.

3. Team Spirit

I understand that greater success can be achieved when we work as a team and that the output of two working together can be greater than the outcome of two working separately. I believe that I will get back from the team what I invest in them and will ask for help when I am in need and be quick to offer support to others, either technically or emotionally. I am flexible in how I work, for the greater good of the team, and am just as happy to share my best ideas, as I am to try others best ideas to further my own success.

4. Integrity

Regardless of pressures or temptations around me, I will remain authentic to my own true values as well as the values of the business. I take great pride in being genuine and believe that others should be treated as I would like to be treated myself.

5. Ownership

“I own this ship.” It is up to me. I am truly responsible for my actions, successes and failures. I take ownership of everything that happens in my work and in my life. Others look for external factors to justify lack of progress, whilst I look for solutions or ways to improve. I understand that for things to change for the better, first I must change for the better.

6. Continuous Improvement and Personal Development

“Good enough” is never good enough. I expect better of myself. I understand that, for the sake of my contentment and sense of self-fulfilment, I must never stop growing. Learning excites me because I know I will grow stronger in the process. I do not always have to find the answers myself, though I understand that I am accountable for my own development. I proactively seek out opportunities to learn, through other people, books, videos and trainers wherever possible. But just as importantly, I understand that I must use my new knowledge to continuously improve myself and the business I am part of.

7. Humility

I take myself very seriously. But I never take myself too seriously. I will be the first to laugh at myself. Because of this I can learn from my mistakes and I will be approachable for people to offer advice or constructive criticism, which I can use positively.

8. Consistency

I understand that if I am not consistent then my customers, colleagues and management will not know what to expect of me, nor will they feel comfortable in dealing with me regularly. My consistency does not mean that I am not growing and improving. Indeed, my work, relationships, knowledge and successes are consistently growing.

I am confident of my success because of the positive habits I have developed and because of the consistency I use in applying those habits. I understand that success rarely comes from one-off acts of bravery or heroism, but from doing the basics and the little things perfectly, all the time and over time.

9. Care

I understand that career choices are some of the most stressful but significant, exciting and important life decisions that we have to make. I believe that people should have the right support and advice to help them make the best choices possible along the way whilst doing our best to make the process fun and enjoyable.

I aim to operate not just as a recruitment agent, but as a personal career consultancy service. I care about people. And that’s why I am committed to helping my candidates find the best career move for them.

10. Fun

The dictionary defines the word fun as “enjoyment, amusement or light-hearted pleasure” and it is important to me to experience this at work, as much as anywhere else. I enjoy the company of my colleagues around me and take pleasure in celebrating our successes and sharing our interests, and contributing to the fun working atmosphere where I can.

11. Ambition

I consider myself to be an ambitious person. I know where I want to be in the future and therefore set regular goals and targets, carefully selected to act as a personal motivator. Occasionally I set myself long term goals that are beyond my reach, so that I can proactively seek opportunities to grow into the person who can reach them.

12. Success

All Appoint Group staff proactively follow these values. Every employee contributed to the identification and selection of our company values, making them a true representation of us as an organisation. They form part of our internal recruitment process, ensuring that we maintain and protect these values as the company grows. Additionally, we run monthly initiatives to reward our staff for best representing these values.

All Appoint Group staff proactively follow these values. Every employee contributed to the
identification and selection of our company values, making them a true representation of us
as an organisation. They form part of our internal recruitment process, ensuring that we
maintain and protect these values as the company grows. Additionally, we run monthly
initiatives to reward our staff for best representing these values.

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