Interviewing Simon Berry, Author of ‘It’s Raining Candidates’
If you’re struggling with your recruitment suppliers or failing to get the recruitment results you…

September 11,2023

If you’re struggling with your recruitment suppliers or failing to get the recruitment results you need, this is a ‘must listen’ episode.

Eve Downing interviews Simon Berry, an experienced end-hirer, ex-recruiter business consultant and founder and CEO of Appoint Group, a highly regarded recruitment company.  Simon shares some of the secrets from his recent book – It’s Raining Candidates – Easy techniques and strategies to get great results from your recruitment suppliers in a candidate-short market. They cover how recruiting organisation can tweak the way they work with recruiters to get ‘game changing’ results. 


No pressure. No sales pitches. Let’s have an honest chat about where you’re at with your healthcare recruitment needs and what we can do to help. Simply pop the date in the calendar and we’ll chat soon!